NEW PODCAST ALERT! Introducing The Christian Conservative Capitalist Commentary
Jun 15, 20241 min read
🚨 Got some exciting news for you! NEW PODCAST ALERT! 🚨
Welcome to The Christian Conservative Capitalist Commentary: a weekly commentary on news, current events and issues affecting us all from a Christian, Conservative and Capitalistic perspective.
My mission is to not stay on the sidelines quietly but to engage with the world around us, sharing my candid viewpoints that are based on a Biblical worldview, Conservative values, and Capitalism principles.
Some opinions you will agree with. Some you will disagree with. Both are welcomed here. As long as we do it respectfully while listening and engaging with those who think, believe and vote differently from you.
Don't stay on the sidelines. Listen and let's engage. Respectfully of course. For a better world for us all.
I hope that this post serves as a blessing to you and to your life. To learn a little more about my story and what inspires me to do what I do, I invite you to read my story below.