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#MorningWorship - Shall Not Want

Each morning, I start off my day by listening to my personally curated "Morning Worship" playlist on my phone. It's a playlist with days' worth of gospel and worship music that I have grown up with and listened to for over 30 years.

I want to share with you a song each morning that I listened to that day that inspired me and reminded me of God's goodness, love and mission for us on Earth.

Today's song: "Shall Not Want" by Maverick City Music & Elevation Worship

(lyrics below the video)

Will You be my light, when I cannot see

When I can’t take another step, Lord, would You carry me

When I’ve lost my fight, will You be my strength

Will You set me a table in the presence of my enemies

I shall not want, I shall not want

Oh my soul’s got a shepherd in the valley and I shall not want

I shall not want, I shall not want

Cause my cup’s running over, running over

and I shall not want

I will lift my eyes to where my help comes from

And I won’t be afraid of the shadow cause I’ve seen the sun

No I will not stop, when the way gets hard

Cause the green only grows in the valley and that’s where You are

I got goodness and I got mercy

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

I got goodness and I got mercy

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

I got goodness and I got mercy

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

The Good Shepherd leads me to the waters

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

He anoints me, anoints me with His oil

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

Now my cup is, my cup is running over

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

I won’t fear, no, fear no evil

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

I will dwell in His house forever

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

Hallelujah hallelujah

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

Hallelujah hallelujah

Hallelu, glory hallelujah

When this life is over, I’m gonna live again

Gonna trade this cross for a crown

No, this is not the end

When You call my name, I will take my rest

There’s a mansion in glory and You’re gonna meet me there

I shall not want, I shall not want

He will wipe every tear from my eyes

I shall not want

I shall not want, I shall not want

I’ll be home in His presence forever

I shall not want

For the Lord is my shepherd

And I shall not want


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